OPEN ACCESS ARTICLES:“Towards A Radically Relational Post-Grotowskian Performance Paradigm,” PAMIĘTNIK TEATRALNY (2023) “(K)new Materialisms: Honouring Indigenous Perspectives,” Theatre Research in Canada/Recherches théâtrales au Canada (2022)“HÍSW̱ḴE (SENĆOŦEN word used to express gratitude, to give thanks),” Theatre,Dance and Performance Training (2022)« Chanter la diversité culturelle en Occitanie: Ethnographie performative d’une tradition réimaginée » , Anthropologica (2018) OPEN ACCESS MONOGRAPHS:The Performative Power of Vocality (Routledge 2020)Grotowski, Women, and Contemporary Performance: Meetings with Remarkable Women (Routledge 2014) Go Back