“Towards a Performative Ethics

of Reciprocity”

Book Chapter:

“Towards a Performative Ethics of Reciprocity.” Qualitative Inquiry and the Politics of Resistance: Possibilities, Performances, and Praxis. Edited by Norman K. Denzin and Michael D. Giardina, Routledge 2020. 115-129.


The 14th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, held in May 2018 at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, featured the workshop titled “Indigenous Philosophy and Posthumanism: Connections and Productive Methodological Divergences,” co-developed by Jerry Rosiek, an Education Studies and Philosophy professor at the University of Oregon, and Jimmy Snyder, a citizen of the Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas pursuing doctoral studies in Education at the same institution. I was fortunate to attend this workshop whose participants were invited to engage with the political implications of the rise of new materialism and posthumanism in the Euro-American academy.

While Rosiek and Snyder assert that embracing this paradigm shift marks an important turn in the academy, they identify connections with other traditions that promote a reciprocal form of relationality inclusive of other/more-than-human life, and they urge Euro-American researchers to acknowledge that claims to doing something new must be vigorously discredited given the ethical necessity of engaging with the work of “Indigenous scholars [who] have been writing about non-human agency for a long time” (ICQI workshop). Such an understanding of agency may be associated with the “performative ethics of reciprocity” which is central to Indigenous cultural practices “that produce something else than a spectator subjectivity in relation to the non-human” (ICQI Workshop). Rosiek and Snyder thus challenge non-Indigenous scholars to recognize and address the “Columbus problem,” namely, the claim to have “discovered” new materialism and posthumanism (ICQI Workshop). This requires engaging with Indigenous ways of knowing, whose pivotal notion of interconnectedness includes all forms of life, as articulated by several generations of Indigenous scholars.

Taking up this challenge, I argue that what distinguishes Indigenous worldviews from new materialist/posthumanist perspectives is their spiritual dimension, which is compellingly foregrounded by Vine Deloria Jr, Manulani Aluli-Meyer, and Shawn Wilson, among many other Indigenous scholars. I build on their work in my research on vocality to develop an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural approach that accounts for the complex ecology of human and other/more-than-human relations, and that engages with the transformative power of the sensorially experienced materiality of sonic/aural/phonic/vocal performativity. I therefore explore the non-discursive, affective efficacy of vocality, beyond notions of voice as a conceptual abstraction or a metaphor, and beyond its association with speech and language, making vocality exclusively human, hence problematically anthropocentric.

Qualitative Inquiry and the Politics of Resistance - Introduction by Norman K. Denzin and Michael D. Giardina:

“It is not controversial to suggest that qualitative researchers have long demonstrated a commitment to resistance politics, often overtly (though not exclusively) expressed in terms of human rights and social justice. [. . .] Moreover, the theme of the 15th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry—from which this volume takes its genesis—was expressly oriented around a commitment to a politics of active and passive resistance; to non-violence; to bearing witness to injustice; refusing to be silenced; refusing to accept assaults on critical, interpretive inquiry; refusing to abandon the goal of social justice for all. It was a mandate to be committed to confronting structures of repression that keep people in marginalized states through the oppression of critical consciousness. There was an attempt by its participants to foreground, interrogate, imagine, and engage new ways of a politics of resistance and critical qualitative inquiry in these troubling times. This commitment was manifest in the key themes taken up in sessions throughout the Congress: research as resist­ance; redefinitions of the public university; neoliberal accountability metrics (i.e., the audit culture); attacks on freedom of speech (both inside and outside the academy); threats to shared governance; the politics of advocacy; value-free inquiry; partisanship; the politics of evidence; public policy discourse; Indi­genous research ethics, and decolonizing inquiry. More than 1,500 participants took risks, experimented, explored new presentational forms, shared experi­ences, and planned for a way forward. But what this way forward will look like remains an open question—doubly so since the qualitative community is unified in its paradigmatic differ­ences, its methodological multiplicity, and its theoretical contestations (see, e.g., Denzin & Giardina, 2015). [. . .] What, then, do we do with a book on the politics of resistance?” (pp. 2-4).